The strategy for lifelong learning
Paul Convery
Unemployment Unit & Youthaid, London
"The shape of things to come" - Waltham Forest, July 16th 1999
Why lifelong learning?
- investment in human capital replacing old patterns of investment in plant and machinery
- shortage of workers who can adapt to advancing technology and to new working patterns
- people without skills are being left behind - stuck in precarious jobs that are poorly paid
- successful firms need be learning, innovative businesses
- access to learning is required to improve employability throughout working life
Why lifelong learning?
Widespread dislocation from the labour market
- 1 in 5 of working age households have no employed earner
- a total of 4.7 million want to work (1 in 6)
- of 4.3 million disabled people only 5% work; but 1.2 million want employment
- of 1.8 million lone parents, 44% are employed; 30% want to work (½m+)
- 11+ million experienced unemployment over 5 years after last recession (benefit claimants)
Why lifelong learning?
Economic case
- output per worker in the UK:
- lags the USA by almost 40%
- lags France and Germany by around 20%.
two thirds of adults lack technician and intermediate level skills
1 in 5 of all adults lack basic skills (functional literacy and numeracy)
Why lifelong learning?
Social case
- earnings for level 3 skilled are 25% higher
- unskilled earn 30% less than average earnings
- employment rates for:
- those with level 3 at least - 78%
- those with no qualifications - 52%
- skills must unlock exclusion from work by:
- tackling problems early in education system
- boosting employability of individuals in work
Expecting a gear-shift improvement
National Learning Targets |
current |
by 2002 |
19 year olds with Level 2 |
74% |
85% |
21 year olds with Level 3 |
52% |
60% |
Adults with Level 3 |
45% |
50% |
Adults with Level 4 |
26% |
28% |
Investing in learning for young people
Encouraging 16-17 years in education or training
- drive to improve numeracy & literacy (40% of 11 year olds failing)
- £1bn ICT investment in schools
- 6,000 after school study centres
- £5.4bn extra infrastructure over 3 years
- Smaller class sizes, 20 million extra books, new "beacon" and specialist schools, schools security
- reduce school truancy and exclusions - pre 16
Investing in learning for young people
Encouraging 16-17 years in education or training
- improved occupational and educational guidance from 13+
- "Learning Gateway/New Start" for disadvantaged
- financial help: Educational Maintenance Allowances
- legal "entitlement to train or study" - up to level 2
White Paper: "blending the best"
- responsiveness to community needs (hallmark of local authority provision)
- the significant increases in productivity and participation (achieved in the FE sector)
- active engagement of employers (TECs)
White Paper: objectives
- eliminate confusion, duplication and excessive bureaucracy
- increase participation
- widen access
- secure equality of opportunity
- drive up quality and standards of achievement
White Paper: main features
- integrate funding and planning of FEFC & TECs
- workforce development - in partnership with UfI, Investors in People UK and local Learning Partnerships
- inspection: OFSTED (16-19 year olds in schools and colleges), plus new Inspectorate (all post-19)
- linkage: local L&S councils, SBS (DTI franchised), RDAs and NTOs
White Paper: main features
- Learning Partnerships: to secure collaboration between local providers; planning local adult and community based opportunities
- integrated service for unemployed - work based training for adults transferred to ES
- propose to restructure the "16 hour rule"
- "Connexions" - integrated guidance & support service for 13-19 year olds through education and transition to adulthood (consultation paper due)
- School based 6th form education: Government undecided (another consultation paper)
White Paper: measures of success
- promote excellence and high quality of service
- respond to needs of individuals and employers
- equip individuals with skills in-demand
- ensure targetted support for the disadvantaged
- remove unnecessary bureaucracy
- effectiveness and value for money
Some thorny problems
- local L&S Councils: governance & openess
- engaging meaningful business participation
- the next 2 years: orderly transition or chaos?
- reforming educational and training provider institutions - curriculum relevance and structure
- modifying the qualification regime to accredit bite-size and "mixed" learning (flexible GNVQs)
- encouraging employer investment in training
- boundaries (relevant to local economy and co-terminus with SBS): LDP asked to propose