New Deal handbook 2000 |
The New Deal Handbook A guide to your rights and responsibilities on the "New Deal" published by the independent Unemployment Unit & Youthaid |
Published in July 2000 |
Published by Unemployment Unit & Youthaid |
Introduction |
New Deal delivery arrangements |
Role of the ES personal adviser |
The "ONE" service |
Eligibility and recruitment |
Essential eligibility conditions |
Compulsory referral |
Exemptions |
Voluntary participation (early entry) |
Referral to the initial New Deal interview |
Unemployment protection insurance |
The Gateway |
Who provides the Gateway? |
Benefit status in the Gateway |
Gateway content |
The initial New Deal interview |
Subsequent interviews |
Gateway opportunities |
What is voluntary and what is compulsory? |
Signing off JSA during the Gateway |
End of the Gateway |
Gateway to Work |
Referral to New Deal options |
Choice of options |
The referral process |
Financial implications of your choice of option |
Transferring to another option |
Support while on a New Deal option |
Full-time education & training option |
Choosing the FTET option |
What type of course can you take? |
People who are already taking a part-time course |
Transferring course |
Minimum content of the option |
Attendance requirements |
What happens to your benefits? |
Advice and support |
Part-time workers |
Employment option |
Entry to the option |
Which jobs qualify for the subsidy? |
Other ES programmes |
Starting the job: financial help |
What happens on the option? |
Training on the Employment option |
Self-employment |
The New Deal for Musicians |
Environment task force and Voluntary sector options |
Quality work experience |
Suitability of the options |
Starting on the VS or ETF options |
What happens on the options? |
Leaving early |
After the placement |
Leaving the New Deal |
Leaving early |
Completing your option: the follow-through strategy |
Benefit sanctions |
Penalties in the Gateway |
New Deal Action Plan and Jobseeker’s Agreement |
Sanctions on New Deal options |
People aged 25 and over |
The New Deal for Long-term Unemployed People |
The four stages |
Employer subsidy |
Education & training opportunities (ETO) |
Work Based Learning for Adults/Training for Work |
25+ pilots |
People aged 50 and over |
Eligibility |
Programme content |
Lone parents |
Entry to the New Deal for people aged 18-24 or 25+ |
New Deal for Lone Parents |
Pilots |
People with a disability |
Entry to the New Deal for people aged 18-24 or 25+ |
New Deal for Disabled People |
Employment Zones |
© Unemployment Unit & Youthaid 2000 All rights reserved. Paragraphs from this book may be quoted, and short extracts may be reproduced, with an appropriate credit, without prior written permission. Full page reproduction, copying or transmission may be undertaken only with written permission or in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Third edition by Balbir Chatrik and Paul Convery |